Saturday, September 03, 2011

A picture of Beauty !

Doesn`t she look BEAUTIFUL? .... when i see her i see poise, grace, feminine and beauty <3

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Changes :)

I made some changes to my life today ...... my hair is natural golden dirty blonde .... i have highlighted it blonde blonde and i have dyed it irish strawberry blonde red .... But today i dyed it BROWN ! its a light brown but still new changes feel GOOD sometimes !

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Picture Perfect

 Me this week :)

Dancing in the rain

 <3 silly me

 I so take after my mommy <3  ... LOVE the rain..

 My purity ring i got on my 13th Bday.. and one of my ballerina figurine's

 Just me, being me ....

Me and my VERY beautiful MOMMY <3

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

It Shall Be a Good Day

YAWNS :) good morning everyone , how are you today?
I am doing great, just finished making banana ,chocolate chip and walnut muffins MMMMMM :)
later on i have a BUNCH of studying to do YIKES lol anyway hope all is well with you.
'*RANDOMNESS*  (for the day) Fave kind of muffin?
and ....... Flats or High Heels?

Saturday, August 06, 2011

A Young Woman`s Dream

Every Young Woman dreams of being *The Perfect Wife* riggght? RIGHT !
But, being the perfect wife isn`t something that will happen over night. Some young women think well what can i do to , im only in my teens!?!
Aha the perfect time to Prepare.
What do I mean by prepare? you may ask.
Well Here is what i mean : Grow deeper in love with Christ ( any young lady who is in love with Christ has a joyful glow about her ) . Don`t mind the Chores so much, if you think you have to do TOO MUCH now, how are you going to feel when your married and have a messy house to clean by yourself? honestly we should enjoy making our home a place that would be enjoyable for others to visit. Help your mom in the kitchen, yea sure you may not be the BEST ! at cooking, but there is only ONE WAY to get better :) .
LOL lil bit tired so thats it for today ....
TO BE CONTINUED ! ...... <3

Honey I`m Home ....

I`m Back :) did ya miss me? lol.
Well after a week of intense training , I am proud to say that i am qualified to be a Supervisor at an ACE school.
I enjoyed myself  this week and made so good life changing decisions so all is well.
Friday night i was able to go to Medevil Times with some good friends ... THAT place is AMAZING  ( just saying ) ....
Ok so i know this is a short post but i have a headache and need a lil sleep tooooo TTYL :D ...

RANDOM QUESTION OF THE DAY !: wat is a talent that God has given you?
are you using it for His honor and Glory....
Just remember , God gives us talents to USE if you aren`t it then someone else will ! :)

Monday, August 01, 2011

Going Going Gone.

Well ladies i`m going to be gone this next week at a teaching convention for ACE so i will be able to better assist my mother in Teaching this year :) soooooooo leave me a comment and LATE Friday evening i will reply and post.
I hope that all of you had wonderful weekends and have an AMAZING week ! <3 ....
Three random questions that i want you to answer if you leave a comment.

#1 : If you were stuck on an island what two things, and-or one person would you bring?

#2 : Favorite Bible verse?

#3 :Most embarrassing  moment in your life ?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Vintage or Modern *?*

In your eyes would this picture be considered Vintage or Modern.... Because in the *Vintage* time ( to us anyways ) that this was taken, She was the Modern girl ! lol so technically its all just a play on words ! :D
I have this beautiful picture hanging in my room accompanied by the picture below

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Breakfast fit for a King !

mm :)
This morning i woke up in an amazing mood, so i decided to make a YUMMY breakfast which included : My Secret Recipe Pancakes, Home Fries garnished with Bell pepper and seasonings and Cheesy Scrambled Eggs :).
I absolutely LOVE to cook, my prayer is that when and if I ever get married, I will be able to enjoy cooking in the kitchen with my husband.
Amazing , a year ago I would have said no way, he can cook lol, but then as I grew and matured ever so slightly I realized that as a young woman who wants to be married and be good at being a wife, I had better get my act together , so I truly embraced my young woman skills and who knows, maybe someday I can prove worthy for a Husband lol ......
I want to encourage any young ladies out there that might read this, to strive to be like the Proverbs 31 woman ... I know that is my FAR off goal !
Well that is all for today, Leave me a comment.