Thursday, July 28, 2011

Breakfast fit for a King !

mm :)
This morning i woke up in an amazing mood, so i decided to make a YUMMY breakfast which included : My Secret Recipe Pancakes, Home Fries garnished with Bell pepper and seasonings and Cheesy Scrambled Eggs :).
I absolutely LOVE to cook, my prayer is that when and if I ever get married, I will be able to enjoy cooking in the kitchen with my husband.
Amazing , a year ago I would have said no way, he can cook lol, but then as I grew and matured ever so slightly I realized that as a young woman who wants to be married and be good at being a wife, I had better get my act together , so I truly embraced my young woman skills and who knows, maybe someday I can prove worthy for a Husband lol ......
I want to encourage any young ladies out there that might read this, to strive to be like the Proverbs 31 woman ... I know that is my FAR off goal !
Well that is all for today, Leave me a comment.


  1. Hi! I just came across your blog through the comment you left on Capturing Life. Breakfast looks and sounds yummy... why wasn't i invited. LOL

    It is true what you wrote. We should strive to be Proverbs 31 woman in all aspects of our lives.

    Looking forward to seeing more of your blog,
    Kianna Rose

  2. How very true! Bravo for striving to set a godly example to the young women of today. Keep it up! :)

    I look forward to reading your blog!

  3. Hi Krista! Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog! It's so nice to meet another Christian young lady who is my age! I'd LOVE to be blogging buddies! :) I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog and I'd love for you to follow my blog too if you'd like!


  4. I too love to cook so I think we can becoem good friends. Do follow me and see my giveaway.

  5. Hey! I just found your blog through "(Life's too short not to) wear red shoes". I think that your blog is very entertaining. I like your blog background.

  6. thanks MJA :) glad you stopped by :)

  7. Yum!!!!! All that sounds great

    Also hello I just saw your blog and saw you were a Christian girl so am I except your a lot older than me :) I love your blog it's awesome

    From Georgia


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