Saturday, August 06, 2011

Honey I`m Home ....

I`m Back :) did ya miss me? lol.
Well after a week of intense training , I am proud to say that i am qualified to be a Supervisor at an ACE school.
I enjoyed myself  this week and made so good life changing decisions so all is well.
Friday night i was able to go to Medevil Times with some good friends ... THAT place is AMAZING  ( just saying ) ....
Ok so i know this is a short post but i have a headache and need a lil sleep tooooo TTYL :D ...

RANDOM QUESTION OF THE DAY !: wat is a talent that God has given you?
are you using it for His honor and Glory....
Just remember , God gives us talents to USE if you aren`t it then someone else will ! :)

1 comment:

  1. I was glad to hear of how God worked in your heart during that week! ;) <3

    A talent? Hmm...bugging you :P You have to admit it's a pretty useful talent, and I would not be a good steward of it if I did not regularly practice it :P


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