Tuesday, August 09, 2011

It Shall Be a Good Day

YAWNS :) good morning everyone , how are you today?
I am doing great, just finished making banana ,chocolate chip and walnut muffins MMMMMM :)
later on i have a BUNCH of studying to do YIKES lol anyway hope all is well with you.
'*RANDOMNESS*  (for the day) Fave kind of muffin?
and ....... Flats or High Heels?


  1. Mmmmm...your muffins sound really yummy! And studying is exactly what I *should* be doing right now! Oops! (but browsing through blogs is SO much more fun!)

    I would definitely choose flats. I'm already 5'8" and when I wear high heels I seem to tower over everyone, including my brother! =)

  2. hehe of course browsing is waaaaaaaay more fun ! :) i wouldnt be able to decide between the two i wear both alot :) i`m 5`5 !


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