Saturday, August 06, 2011

A Young Woman`s Dream

Every Young Woman dreams of being *The Perfect Wife* riggght? RIGHT !
But, being the perfect wife isn`t something that will happen over night. Some young women think well what can i do to , im only in my teens!?!
Aha the perfect time to Prepare.
What do I mean by prepare? you may ask.
Well Here is what i mean : Grow deeper in love with Christ ( any young lady who is in love with Christ has a joyful glow about her ) . Don`t mind the Chores so much, if you think you have to do TOO MUCH now, how are you going to feel when your married and have a messy house to clean by yourself? honestly we should enjoy making our home a place that would be enjoyable for others to visit. Help your mom in the kitchen, yea sure you may not be the BEST ! at cooking, but there is only ONE WAY to get better :) .
LOL lil bit tired so thats it for today ....
TO BE CONTINUED ! ...... <3


  1. Very true and insightful, way to be an encouragement! :)

  2. Perfect wife? I'm not sure if that's attainable. I think we should have more realistic dreams. What's a perfect wife? Is it a wife who manages to have a perfectly cleaned house? I think you could better spend your time with your family or exercising your hobbies than obsessing over having a sterile and super-clean house. A little dust in the corner here and there is not a danger to your health. Just saying.


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