Monday, August 01, 2011

Going Going Gone.

Well ladies i`m going to be gone this next week at a teaching convention for ACE so i will be able to better assist my mother in Teaching this year :) soooooooo leave me a comment and LATE Friday evening i will reply and post.
I hope that all of you had wonderful weekends and have an AMAZING week ! <3 ....
Three random questions that i want you to answer if you leave a comment.

#1 : If you were stuck on an island what two things, and-or one person would you bring?

#2 : Favorite Bible verse?

#3 :Most embarrassing  moment in your life ?


  1. Have an awesome week! <3

    I would, a Bible, and a knife. I think.

    Romans 8:38-39, Psalm 27:13-14, John 14:27

    Hmm....knowing us, it was probably sometime when we were together lol

  2. What a fun idea Krista!

    #1. If I were stranded on a island, I would probably take a solar powered radio and a pocket knife. It would really depend on the circumstances…like what natural resources the island had, but I think both of those would be useful tools! :)

    #2 Ooooh this is a hard one! One of my favorites is Proverbs 3:5-6
    “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths”

    #3 My most embarrassing moment?! *hides face* One of the most embarrassing moments of my life took place a few years ago while my family and I were on vacation visiting a waterslide. I will SPARE you the details, but it involved me walking into a men’s dressing room!! SO embarrassing and awkward! ;)

    This was fun! I can’t wait to hear YOUR answers to these Krista! ;) I hope you have fun at the teaching convention! I’m also a teacher’s assistant (at a preschool) so I always love hearing about other teacher’s experiences. What grade do you and your mom teach for ACE? (I hope you don’t mind my questions!)


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Thanks <3